Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The snow has been falling steady for about a day.. school was in session on Monday, but by Monday night this is what it looked like! The kids love it, we all love it... especially as we hope for school to be cancelled the next day! The only thing I don't like about it is the mess of wet boots, gloves, hats, coats, and loose snow that gets tracked in the house... ugh!

Jeremy and Grace working on Frosty! Love the snow flakes falling in the shot.
Frosty with Grace, Jeremy, and Ellie.
Frosty this morning... after the snowfall.
Love the view from our back yard... looks beautiful!

Friday, November 5, 2010


This is Ellie and her friend Dakota.... he is her "boyfriend" ha ha.. they really are too cute together and love playing with each other. We will be so sad when he moves to Hawaii... BUT can't wait to visit! He is from Toy Story and Ellie is a Vampire Cheerleader!

Here is the clan getting ready to go Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. From bottom step to top step and left to right it is Ellie, Dakota, Angel, Victor, Jeremy, Isaiah, Jackson, Grace and Lani.
Here is our ghoulish ghost, Lucy. She did not like the costume and it did not last very long on her!
The family pumpkins before setting them on the porch.
At Trunk or Treat... Ellie and Grace are Vampire Cheerleaders, Jeremy is the Alien and Jaxx is next to him (hard to see) in the crazy scarecrow costume.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A trip to the Pumpkin Patch

I went with Ellie's Kindergarten class to the Pumpkin Patch.... we have had better fall weather than this. It was pouring and I thought for sure it would be a miserable time. But, what cheers up someone more than a smile on your kid's face. Ellie had a great time despite the rain.
She got to pet the baby goat...
a baby pig....
and go through the hay maze two times! Fun stuff!
Isn't this the look of a girl who had a great time???

Ellie with her friend Kyra at preschool graduation

Grace turns 8


Still can't figure out this crazy blog. Too many links to click, pictures to add, dialogue to type and I still got it wrong. Hopefully this will be at the top... if so, scroll through the pictures and you will arrive at my posts at the bottom of the page...

Michael with his nephew James in Boston playing baseball

Jeremy turns 11 in Montana, making crazy faces with his friends

Just hanging out in Las Vegas

Ellie's self portrait at Aunt Rachels

me with my sister Lacy.

Having fun in Aunt Lacy's pool

View from our penthouse balcony in Mexico